Friday, June 14, 2013

Cynical Old Me

I am one of the most cynical people when it comes to self-help books.  So the huge surprise is that I’m basically reading three of them at the same time right now.  You most likely don’t know my father.  But he’s a very wise man, I love him, he’s great.  Except 90% of our real life talks start with him saying… and I quote, “I’ve been reading this book…”  and it ends with, “…and I think it would be good for you to read it!”  The funny thing is that as soon as he starts, I give a big eye roll, and tune him out.  Side note: dad I know you are probably going to read this, and I’m sorry but you know it’s true! But the point is, he is always recommending books to everyone.  He even offered me 50 bucks once to read the Anatomy of Peace.  It’s still unopened on my bookshelf unfortunately.  And the thing is, that I know these books would all be just so very helpful to my ever so chaotic life.  The problem, is that I am stubborn.  Period.  I hate people telling me what to do.  I hate when someone tells me to read something, and then I hate when that book tells me to do something that disrupts my life.  This is called pride.  The first step is admitting I have a problem.  So I admit it.  There are things in my life that I really do want to change, to figure out.  But I want them to be my idea.

            So my dad, being the great man that is, send me hints.  Thinking maybe he can make me think it was my idea.  He knows I won’t do something because he tells me to, but he also, being my father, knows that the benefit of it would be life changing.  So he buys the book.  And then tells me about it.  And then lays it on my bed when he’s in town.  And says, “ya know kass, you can borrow that from me if you want.”  Hmmm mmm.  Like I don’t know you bought that for me.  So when I call him telling him I started to read it, and ask if I can write in the book he says, “Oh ya that’s fine!  Make it yours, and I’ll order another one!”  Really… you planned this.  But the shocker is that yes, I’m reading a book he recommended.  It’s called START, by Jon Acuff.  It’s great because it talks about starting a business which I am doing right now.  I have no money, but a ton of dreams.  Ironically, I am simultaneously doing Financial Peace University by Dave Ramsey, which is telling me to get out of debt, and SAVE SAVE SAVE!  How do I start a business and save at the same time?

            Well both of these books slash programs, along with, The 4:8 Principle by Tommy Newberry, is helping me figure out how to start a business, pay off student loans, and be joyful about my circumstances all at the same time.  However impractical that may seem, for some reason I am loving it.  I sit in my made up, grown up office.  Really I am sitting in my comfy plaid chair, surrounded by chairs, and stool, covered in books, and workbooks, and sketchbooks, and packages of my new computer programs and its just a mess of an office.  I make a pot of coffee in the morning, and drink it out of my Grand Hotel mug all day long, throwing some smoothies in there every now and then. 

            As messy as this may all seem, I couldn’t be happier.  Well maybe I could, but for my situation I’m pretty stoked!  My roommate who usually sees me stressed and running around with my head cut off, finally says, “you seem happy now”.  And I am.  I’m learning what I want to learn because I want to learn it…Its always been, learn Bio!  Because Philadelphia University says we produce well rounded individuals!  And well rounded individuals know Bio!  Do you think that after that class I know anything about bio?  NO!  I’m stubborn remember!  I only retain what I think is important.  Well that and random facts that I will never use unless I’m at a Quiz Bowl or something…

            So the point of all of this is just to say, you should be friends with my dad.  Just kidding.  Well kind of, you should, but you should also take my advice and figure out what you want to do when you are young.  I have my whole life to get it all together.  But I know where I want to be.  It’s messy and unconventional, but it is working.  My savings account, which actually has so little money in it, people would laugh, I am proud of.  I am learning to save, so every dollar I put in, I feel like I accomplished something equivalent to world peace.  I feel great about the $60,000 plus I have to pay back for student loans because I’m learning how to handle it.  YAY to learning!  So go read all of these books!  No, they did not pay me to write that, but when I get excited about something that I’m learning I want everyone to know what I know.  Literally this just clicked while typing…I’m turning into my dad!  And I can pretty much bet that he’s cracking up reading this part..

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